News and perspectives from Catapult Insights & Innovation
Home Improvement Pros feeling more stability after an uncertain 2022
Catapult Insights takes a pulse on how home improvement professionals are feeling about 2023 and how their outlook has changed over the past 6 months.
Innovation During Economic Downturn
Innovation during bleak times is often a recipe for success. Catapult Insights shares examples of why this is the time for innovation.
Trying McDonald’s New Order Ahead Lane
McDonald’s order ahead drive thru is here, and Catapult Insights shares insights from their recent field test.
Tales from the Road: Chasing a Memory
Are consumers returning to their old ways, finding a “new normal” or is something else happening? Catapult Insights shares their observations from recent work in the QSR space.
Understanding the Homeowner Mindset
Catapult Insights explored the mindset of modern US homeowners to gain insight into what drives their behaviors and make smart predictions about the future of home improvement space.
Following the Home Improvement Money
Catapult Insights uncovered that the majority of homeowners feel comfortable investing in their home and 85% have at least one home improvement project planned in the next year. Find out what their plans are, how they plan to do their projects, and where your brand could fit in.
Homeowners plan for home improvement spending despite economic warning signs
The insights experts at Catapult Insights designed the Catapult Insights Homeowner Home Improvement Survey to explore what homeowners are planning for home improvement projects in this rapidly changing housing market. Even with some economic uncertainty and the rollercoaster housing market, the overwhelming majority of homeowners are planning to invest in their homes in the next year.
Insights from the US Housing Market
Catapult Insights’ Homeowner Home Improvement Survey focused on the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of US homeowners. Their beliefs, feelings and intentions revealed some interesting insights into what we can expect from the housing market in the coming year.
Research Exposes Home Improvement Professional Market’s Uphill Battle to Stability
The insights experts at Catapult Insights recently partnered with online sample provider Full Circle Research to get a pulse on home improvement professionals in the US. And despite booms in new home construction, and record sales in home improvement stores, the reality presents an environment still plagued by inflation, supply chain issues and staffing shortages.